In front of Matanuska glacier, Alaska.

Chased by a curious desert fox, Altiplano, Bolivia.

Chased by a curious desert fox, Bolivia.

Photo shooting with my favourite model: Miss Viscacha!

Photo shooting with my favourite model: Miss Viscacha, Chile.

Succumbed to the charm of a 12-week-old puppy, Finnland.

Catching the mountains in the beautiful arctic light, Spitsbergen.

Catching the mountains in the beautiful arctic light, Spitsbergen.

Highest peak in my life so far, 5,604 meters above sea-level, Cerro Toco, Atacama, Chile

Nearby Isfjord, Spitsbergen, Arctic.

Nearby Isfjord, Spitsbergen, Arctic.

Temperature less than -30° Celsius, Spitsbergen, Arctic.

Temperature less than -30° Celsius, Spitsbergen, Arctic.


About ME

In 2012 I have been in Iceland for the first time. Since I was 18 years old I had only dreamed of the country in the far north. A friend of mine showed me his travel photographs and the images of this direct confrontation with the most pristine landscape I could imagine until then dug deep into my head. The dream was born.

23 years and 3 driving hours from Reykjavik later I got out of my rented Land Rover Defender in the middle of the Icelandic wilderness and walked towards the most magnificent scenery I had seen until then.

I sat down on the ground on a slope and was captivated by the sheer infinity that was in front of my eyes.

After a few minutes I lay down on the lava sand floor that was warmed by the sun. And suddenly it was silent.

The absolute nothing caught me. No city noises, no planes in the sky, no voices, no telephone ringing - I felt the earth beneath me and suddenly I became aware of what I was missing. The feeling of being a tiny part of a mighty creation. At first sight insignificant, but nevertheless an important part of the big whole. I only heard the blood rushing in my veins and was happy. So deeply happy that tears were running from my eyes. So that was it. The pure energy of creation, from which the achievements of the "modern world" would like to distract us so much. Here in Iceland there it was. Unfiltered, rugged, rough and massive.
My second part of life and my photographic work started here.

Technical break, check pictures, norwegian winter.

Checking our route, Iceland.

With Andrea in the Namib Desert, Namibia.

Nearly -30°C in our tent, Arctic.

Looking for the best perspective, Norway.

Could you resist those eyes? My dog Emma

Focussing the bear mother and her cubs, Alaska.

Focussing the bear mother and her cubs, Alaska.

Taking pictures on Shoup Glacier, Alaska.

Taking pictures on Shoup Glacier, Alaska.

Waterberg plateau, Namibia.

Waterberg plateau, Namibia.

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